Organisational Growth HUB

Agnė Sviderskaitė
Head of Organisational Growth HUB

Source for OD

Attention to developing  strategic mindset and creating competitive advantage in new real. Innovation workshops, consulting projects on values and cultivating organisational culture. Building employee engagement with minimal effort and maximum impact by using the acknowledged software systems.

Organisational assessment tools

360° degree feedback, Employee Engagement Survey and other organisational assessment tools comes from the world class cooperation with CustomInsigt, the most advanced employee engagement survey software and online reporting tool in the industry, highly acknowledged  by Fortune 100 companies.

Optimal Organisational Structure

Organisational structure aligns and relates parts of an organisation, so it can achieve its maximum performance. The structure chosen affects an organisation's success in carrying out its strategy and objectives.  Helping companies  to addresses the most optimal ones, that fits the resources and is capable of bringing better results.

Strategy & Performance Management
Culture & Values
Competency Development & Employee Engagement
Organizational diagnostics
Organizational diagnostics
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