
Deividas Rafanavičius
Managing Partner | CEO
Expert in Emotional intelligence, customer centricity, client service management, team building.

Areas of expertise: Emotional intelligence, customer service and loyalty, internal and external cooperation, conflict management, building successful networking.

Deividas is an expert in customer centricity, helping organisations to increase customer loyalty, align  service activities by introducing various customer experience management projects. The consultant develops teams and influence organizational culture by  original created training programs or business events and is eligible to deliver them to various audiences (20+, 50+, 100+, 600+ participants). He encourages cooperation in organisations, helps their members to develop and apply effective working standards. Deividas also advises senior management teams on strategic customer management issues, moderates strategic workshops, develops talents and prepares internal coaches.  He has completed programs in Executive Chairman Education, Executive Education as a Professional Board Member in Baltic Institute of Corporate Governance and is certified to work with  IPB Partners DiSC and Thomas International methodologies. Deividas is also GENOS certified Emotional Intelligence practitioner and Master Trainer.

Indrek Rahi
Partner, Estonia | Leadership & Management HUB

Senior Consultant, Member of the Board at Thomas International Baltics

Areas of expertise: organisational culture, effective leadership and leadership development programmes, team design and collaboration, communication skills, conflict management, building successful networking
Indrek has consultant background in leadership and teamwork skills since 1999. He has developed multiple self-management, team development and leadership training solutions both for private and public sector. There have been over 20 000 participants in more than 2 500 training days Indrek has facilitated.

His experience covers Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Finland, Ukraine and many other countries. The biggest customers have been Tallink Group, SEB Bank, Estonian Energy, just to name a few. Indrek has been an avid advocate of DISC-methodology in various areas of business and organisational development. He is a certified trainer of Carlson Learning Co/ Inscape and Thomas International DISC and HPTI learnig instruments.

Indrek not just trains and advises, but also inspires and motivates organisations, leaders, teams and people to become better performers as well as human beings.

Katrin Rahi
Partner EE | Leadership & Management HUB

Senior Consultant, expert in leadership and management, ICF accredited coach

Areas of expertise: organisational development, self development, career counceling and coaching

Katrin has more than 20 years of experiences in management and leadership from public sector in education. Katrin has managed international educational institutions for twenty years working and managing a private company.  She is experienced in team management, personal development and counceling. Katrin believes that empowering  people  leads to best performing teams contributing to the results of the whole organisation.

Consultant is  a accredited Thomas International DISC, HPTI, GIA and  TEIQue trainer and practitioner,  ICF accredited coach, Harvard School of Education certified pedagogical practitioner.

Uldis Pāvuls
Partner, Latvia | Leadership & Management HUB
Organizational psychologist, workplace wellbeing consultant and business trainer

Organizational psychologist, business trainer and human resources management consultant who designs and moderates strategic planning, core values discovery and team development workshops, as well as designs and delivers key skills training programs in goal oriented, structured way with relative lightness, modern technologies and possibly with a few elements of entertainment.

Uldis works to inspire for personal, team and organizational development, by providing methodical support, structured sharing of experience, educational content, and skills trainings as well as by helping to create in organization a learning environment in which it is easier for employees to search for best solutions to challenges in ever changing work environment.

Dalius Mardasas
Partner | Head Of Employee Development HUB
Expert in Team Building,  Organizational Culture Development and Emotional Intelligence

Areas of expertise: effective communication, emotional intelligence, conflict management and cooperation.

Dalius has a profound experience in  experiential  learning and building  a mindfulness framework. The training programs he focuses on are increasing the effectiveness of team communication, employee engagement and personal results. He is a co-author of many Active Experiential Team Building events and owner of "Business being", a unique personal effectiveness programme inspired by different schools of psychology.  Dalius also  has prepared and delivered a series of presentations about cooperation and emotional competency.

He is a Certified DiSC WILEY consultant, EAGT Certified Gestalt Psychotherapist, Member of the Association for Somatic Experiencing (Italy),  an author of numerous leadership and organisational culture projects (in 2017, “Telia” communication culture programme was recognised as the best HR practice at PVPA "HR Best Practices" Annual Conference).

Gintarė Varnelė
Partner | Leadership & Management HUB
Management, Leadership and HR Consultant, ICF certified Business Coach

Areas of expertise: effective leadership, individual executive coaching, mentoring, talent education programs, emotional competence.

Gintare has explicit international experience in various business organizations. Excellent knowledge of processes in manufacturing, service and trade sectors. Fluency in several foreign languages has opened opportunities to lead various international educational projects and train international audience. Gintare is strongly oriented towards the authenticity of a person. Her professional goal is to help managers create genuine empathy, develop relationships built on listening to one another and collaboration. As the expert, Gintare advises organizations on issues of talent management system, develops and implements continuous managerial and employee education programs. She is certified to work with  IPB Partners DiSC, Barrett culture assessment methodologies.

Agnė Byčiūtė
Consultant | Leadership & Management HUB
Management and Leadership Consultant and Practitioner

Areas of expertise: effective leadership, mentoring, leadership development programes, time management, strategic management, performance appraisal process 360.

Extensive experience in diverse industries and business companies. Agnė has a profound  experience in production, trade companies and education. Business development in export markets has brought deep insights about diverse cultures and understanding of multicultural business. Implementation of new strategies, building teams, hiring people and looking for the most effective ways of work brought deep knowledge and understanding about success in the business and effective people and teams management. 

Agnė is deepening her knowledge in motivation,  effective management, employee engagement areas, development of empathy and sustainable relationships in organizations.

Consultant has graduated Executive MBA in Business Management Institute and posses two Master degrees.

Katre Eljas
Consultant I Leadership & Management HUB

Experienced Consultant in process management, strategy development, team management and organisational behaviour

Areas of expertise: organisational development, organisational behaviour, self development, coaching, emotional intelligence  

Katre has more than 20 years of experiences in management and leadership from public and private sector as well as academia. Katre has managed international consultancy company for ten years working with clients from the Baltic and Nordic countries as well as European Union institutions. Her specific passion is people in organisation - the way how different personalities fit together and the dynamics and culture they create in the team. Katre believes that successful organisation is like dancing tango - it’s a teamwork of the supportive emotional working environment and employees willing to self-develop in this environment.

Holding a Master degree in Economics, she has also passed Master level courses in Organisational Behaviour and ICF (International Coaching Federation) certified coaching trainings. As a consultant and trainer she is good listener as well as supportive and emphatic in learning process.

Domantė Kibirkštytė
Senior Consultant | Employee Development HUB
Employee Development Consultant, Corporate Wellbeing Expert
Areas of expertise: emotional intelligence, stress and conflict management, resilience, coaching, developmental leadership, effective communication, collaboration, corporate wellbeing, executive and team coaching.
Consultant has years of experience working for an international group of companies, with offices in London and Brussels. As a result, she is well-acquainted with fast-paced, competitive and multicultural corporate environment. Domantė was responsible for the design and implementation of learning and development and employee wellbeing programs. Consultant’s experience and commitment to constant growth has contributed to the evolution of her own holistic approach to people management, corporate culture and wellbeing. Today, Domantė is empowering employees to not merely survive in high stress environments, but to thrive.
Consultant is ICF (International Coaching Federation) accredited and ANE International (Academy of Neuroscience and Education) certified executive and team coach, Tony Robbins Mastery University graduate, Stanford University certified nutrition expert, yoga teacher and a holistic wellness practitioner. Domante is certified to work with Thomas International and Wiley DiSC methodology.
Kaido Kubri
Consultant I Leadership & Management HUB
Consultant in leadership and management, communication and motivation development

During his 12-year experience of teaching practical uses of DISC has coached over 1500 people one-on-one -- including customers from private and public sector, top leadership teams, middle-level leaders, sales teams, customer service teams and many more;  and thousands more people have attended his trainings for businesses, non-profit organizations, Universities and self-help enthusiasts.

Kaido is accredited as an Internationally Certified user of Thomas International's Personal Profile Analysis (DISC) since 2014 and has been using DISC model himself since 2003. 

Kaido’s DISC personality styles training is unique because of his extensive communication experience with most different people, his ability to use this experience during trainings and to pass on this experience through funny and memorable stories.  That and Kaido’s personal stories about his struggles to learn about communication with different people help participants to understand their own challenges better and above all create a basic understanding, that communication skill is a learnable skill, motivation can be developed and stress can be effectively managed.

Darius Jokubas
Senior Consultant | Employee Development HUB

Expert in communication and a lecturer of persuasion and professional public speaking.

Areas of expertise: effective internal and external communication, public speaking, pitching, psychological biases and persuasive communication, negotiation.

Experienced communications expert helping organisations to communicate their messages powerfully and clearly to customers. The consultant has extensive experience in public speaking (8+ years) and is a laureate of national and international competitions. Darius has experience working in international organisations, preparing and implementing communication strategies on a global scale. He is a consultant who strengthens teams by developing tailor-made training concepts. Darius applies the latest findings and research in communication and psychology to his training.

Consultant holds a Master in Communication (MSc) from the University of Amsterdam, a world leader in the field. Darius is certified to work with Thomas International and Wiley DiSC methodology and is a GENOS certified Emotional Intelligence practitioner.

Staffan Åkerblom, Ph.Lic.
Associated Partner | Leadership & Management HUB

Organizational Consultant within the fields of leadership, management teams and organizational transformation.

Staffan is an organizational consultant bringing more than two decades of experience from realizing the potential in leaders, leadership teams and whole organizations. He operates from a deep conviction that the outer, visible parts of organizational life is a mirror image of the inner, often hidden aspects. His work is centered around ways to facilitate the decoding and upgrade of the inner Operating Systems (iOS) of organizations and the key people and groups that populate them. Authenticity, awareness and accountability are qualities that Staffan wishes to elicit both in himself  and the people he collaborates with.

Services offered includes design and delivery of leadership development programs, scaffolding and facilitation of team- or organizational change initiatives, hosting of large group events, coaching of individuals, and inspirational talks. 

Licensed senior trainer in The Human Element® & Radical Collaboration®. Other certifications (selection): The Leadership Circle®, Core Qualities, GDQ Trainer, Teambook.

Inese Freimane
Employee and Team Development Consultant | L&D practioner
Areas of expertise: effective communication, learning and cooperation
Inese has more than 15 years of experiences in L&D from public and private sector in both Latvia and Estonia. Inese believes that learning can be both effective and fun – so she’s passionate about training of trainers, implementation of blended learning and serious games.

Holding a Master degree in Psychology and being certified trainer of Thomas International DISC, Inese finds that her mission also is to help people better understand themselves and each other in order to function as an effective team.

Ieva Balčiūnaitė – Tarasevičienė
Consultant | Leadership & Management HUB

Leadership and Management Consultant, Educator

Areas of Expertise: leadership and executive development, creation and implementation of development systems in organizations, educational training for instructors and lecturers using experiential learning, teamwork, and collaboration.

The consultant has extensive experience in leadership and management, having worked at the Lithuanian Military Academy, where she designed and led military leadership, development, and leadership programs. She is also the author of the methodological book Fundamentals of Educational Methodologies (2024). Ieva gained international experience by conducting teamwork, motivation, volunteerism, and community development training for the chairpersons and members of the Lithuanian American Community (Chicago, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, etc.).

The consultant also possesses a wealth of practical knowledge and skills in HR processes and employee development: 360-degree assessments, engagement surveys, development plan preparation, onboarding and training of new employees, creation and implementation of leadership development systems, mentoring program development, and more.

She earned a Master’s degree in Education from Vilnius University and is a certified instructor of the “Instructor Course” by the Danish Ministry of Defense.

Audrius Ribskis
Consultant | Leadership & Management HUB

Expert in Adaptive Leadership and Executive Development, Strategy Consultant, Sales, Negotiation, Communication, and Emotional Intelligence Practitioner

Areas of Expertise: leadership and management, organizational development and culture, business model design and innovation, strategy preparation and implementation, effective communication and collaboration, emotional intelligence, sales and value proposition development, negotiations and complex situation management, executive coaching, group coaching, and team resilience.

He has worked as a leading consultant in international consulting firms such as SIAR Bossard, Gemini Consulting, Cap Gemini, and S&T Consulting. For 9 years, he taught undergraduate and master's courses in corporate finance, strategic management, and leadership at Vilnius University’s Business School. With over 20 years of experience as a business consultant and leadership expert, Audrius has developed a unique skill set that combines "hard" (business processes, strategy, supply chain, corporate finance) and "soft" (leadership, organizational psychology, group dynamics, leader’s ego) leadership practices. This integration allows him to effectively help organizations uncover deep-rooted issues and craft unique, highly productive solutions.

He is a certified expert in the Effective Thinking Process, a practitioner of the Theory of Constraints, an expert in negotiation and sales solutions, a trainer in NLP, Hypnosis, and Timeline Therapy, a practitioner of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a mindfulness teacher, and an expert-practitioner of communication methodologies such as Motivational Interviewing, Appreciative Inquiry, Nonviolent Communication, and Agile Conversations.

Mečislovas Mažonas
Consultant | Leadership & Management HUB

Consultant in Leadership, Management, and Team Development.
Speaker and Lecturer on Team and Personal Effectiveness.

Areas of Expertise: Leadership, Personal Productivity Enhancement, Mindset Shift Practices, Team Collaboration Strengthening.

An experienced alpinist, traveler, and mountain expedition leader, Mečislovas has worked in various leadership positions in international and Lithuanian companies for 20 years. His persona blends extensive business experience with new insights and perspectives gained through mountaineering.

Each expedition is like a distinct business project, requiring a strong leader and an efficiently collaborating team, capable of focusing on achieving the set goal within a limited time! In his training sessions, Mečys helps participants identify what limits their professional and personal fulfillment and how to overcome those limitations to strengthen their abilities. His training reveals how to learn from failures, build inner resilience, boost motivation, and expand both personal and team productivity boundaries. He is a certified GENOS Emotional Intelligence Practitioner.

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